Press Materials Terms and Conditions

BÆRSkin Tactical Supply Co. allows the download and use of Press Materials, under the following terms and conditions:

By downloading material from the Press Materials page, you acknowledge, agree, and affirm that:

1. You are a member of a news media outlet; and

2. The Press Materials will be used solely in connection with a story or article that appears in newspapers, periodicals, digital publications, and/or on television.

Additionally, you understand and agree that:

a. All Press Materials, along with their rights, remain the property of BÆRSkin Tactical Supply Co.;

b. The use of Press Materials is strictly not for advertising, promotion, marketing, or other commercial purposes;

c. No other rights or licenses are granted hereunder by implication, estoppel, or any other means;

d. Each use of Press Materials from this page must include proper “Credit: BÆRSkin Tactical Supply Co.;

e. The use of Press Materials downloaded from this website is at your own risk; and

f. We hold no liability for the outcomes achieved through the use of these Press Materials, particularly concerning accuracy, timeliness, and completeness.

Products depicted in the Press Materials originate from different jurisdictions, meaning some options may not be available in all areas. If you intend to use the Press Materials beyond the specified parameters, you must obtain prior written consent from us, our subsidiaries, or our affiliates.

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