"My son is only 15 and wears his Baerskin like a second set of skin. He never takes it off. I have to sneak it into the wash a few times and for October 27 I am so happy he was wearing it.

He was leaving school and just stepped off the curb to get lunch and a woman was doing 70km in a 40km zone and hit my son on the crosswalk. He was thrown 34' and landed on his head and chest. But thanks to the jacket, as stated by numerous doctors, radiologists and a bone scan technician, he should have a lot more damage. The jacket shows no signs of wear other than a year of wearing by a teenager. I attached the pictures here. He didn't have any damage to his chest, and the mark on his face was stopped by the jacket and only his cheek got a little surface damage. You can see from the hospital image he was still wearing the jacket under him and the arm was cut off. On his face he has a clear line on his cheek where the jacket hoodie was and it protected his ears and even his neck. The bulky neck support saved him. I have no idea what magic is in the coat but it is incredible. I have ordered 2 more XXXXXXXX and XXXXXXXX to make sure he has a replacement. I am so happy with your product and wanted you to see how tough and rugged they are. They protected a 15 year old boy (fluke accident and cannot replicate safely) but he walked away with no broken bones from being hit by an SUV.

I want to make sure that you know how amazing the jacket was. I have a jacket and so does my son, now when will you make 5T and 6T size clothing for kids? I have two more I might need. You don't have a kids line (yet).

I can send more pictures of the crosswalk and incident if you like to show you how this jacket saved him. I have McMaster Children's hospital, Myhealth centre in Simcoe, Norfoplk General, my family doctor and pediatrician surprised on how he survived and has no internal injuries, breaks, bleeding or anything but a few cuts on his face. Thank you for making an amazing jacket and please never stop making them. I need at least 2 more in large ladies and men's. I have Christmas coming up. Thank you.


"I love this hoodie! First, something about me. After a motorcycle crash left me with severe nerve damage I was always cold. people would think I was up to no good wearing a heavy coat in a wheelchair. Now I just wear my Baer skin hoodie and it gets the job done. Not only that but it’s incredibly comfortable for everyday use. I can’t thank you enough! Thanks again"

Micah Hills


"Good morning,

I wanted to write you to let you know that my wife purchased one of your hoodies a few months ago for me. The other day I was riding my motorcycle and because it was so nice out I only had my bearskin hoodie on. I wound up having a motorcycle wreck and totaled my bike and was hurt pretty bad. I got road rash on my arm, but I truly believe that my bearskin hoodie saved my skin! My hoodie believe it or not had no damage to it, only some road burn as well, but no rips or tears! I am truly thankful for your hoodie and I may have to purchase another for my wife and myself!

I wanted to just say how thankful I am for your product being able to protect me as much as it did. Who know the damage my skin would have had if I was not wearing this hoodie. My wife is also grateful and also cannot believe that there was no rip or tears in my hoodie! So big deal the black from the road won’t come out. I believe it aided in saving my life and I am forever grateful. I no longer have a Harley motorcycle since it was totaled, but I am here to tell about it! I absolutely love my hoodie and will forever spotlight your company to anyone that mentions to me getting a new hoodie! I think my wife wants me to do a video review to post to the motorcycle community that we are a part of. Would this be ok to post online?

Thank you again for such a great product. I am proof of the quality of this product! You will now be my go-to for anything I can use from your website!"

John Loewenstein

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